School of Ancient Chinese Metaphysics

Feng Shui - Facing Direction of high-rise buildings

Without knowing where the Facing Direction is, how can one even conduct a Feng Shui audit?

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Feng Shui Discussion: Taking Facing Direction of high-rise buildings

    In the urban society of today, we are seeing more and more high-rise buildings. Most people stay in tall apartment building especially for city like Singapore.

    Traditionally in the olden days, Feng Shui is applied mainly to houses and not high-rise buildings. To refer to the older classic texts, you won't be able to find one that exactly teaches you how to apply Feng Shui for high-rise building (with many units).

    It is very straightforward when dealing with a simple stand-alone house. Just one look, you know where the Facing Direction is. But when it comes to complicated high-rise building that is with many different units, it may not be as straightforward.

    Ah... Facing Direction, not the same old topic again?! (Some of you must be just thinking now). But it is not for no reasons that we keep bringing this out. Getting the Facing Direction correct is the very the first and the most important step. Without knowing where the Facing Direction is, how can one even conduct a Feng Shui audit? And worse, what if the Facing Direction is wrongly determined, reading the good as the bad and the bad as the good?!

    Recently, I met up with an online student of mine (who is an renown master in his own country) here in Singapore. Part of our discussion, we talk about taking of Facing Direction between house and high-rise building. It is always fun to exchange ideas and pointers, isn't it?

    Very openly, he commented that buildings in Singapore is far more complicated that what he thought, some doesn't even seem to have a proper facing typically the newer ones. He was joking, why couldn't the architect just label properly where the Facing Direction is. He brought up also the suggestion that in such a congested built-up, there are bound to be several Poison Arrows (sharp edges) that would be bad for the occupants.

    Sharing with him, I suggested to him that he has gotten too used-to to the convenient environment of his. Singapore is a small country and with the population growing, there is the need to develop buildings upward. But despite so, there are still many successful rich ones who are staying in the high-rise apartment, isn't it? Tall buildings similarly are able to enjoy good Feng Shui too. Where there are living space, Feng Shui can be similarly applied anywhere.

    I next shared with him the methods on how he can easily recognize and determine correctly the Facing Direction. He was amazed by the "new" theory I shared with him, but acknowledged it enthusiastically. I demonstrate the theory to him with examples of some past projects. There are no special secret methods to Feng Shui, I told him and there is definitely more experienced master who can explain and coach better than me. The key to note is to stay open and flexible, understand the basic, understand the way how qi flows around us and how it enters the house... It was nice meeting up with my overseas student, exchanging interesting ideas.

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